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Volume 6, No.1 Fall 2015
Guest Editors: Derek S. Jeffreys, Phillip Rolnick, and David Burrell, CSC
With papers from David B. Burrell, CSC, John F. Crosby, Siobhan Nash-Marshall, R. Mary Hayden Lemmons, Steven A. Long, John F. Boyle, and Phillip Rolnick.
Volume 5, No.1 Fall 2014
Special Guest Editor: Michael Krom
With papers from Michael Krom, John Rist, Paul Symington, Mark C. Murphy, John Crosby, Christopher Tollefsen, Jonathan J. Sanford, Brian Donohue, Gregory Sadler, Francisco J. Romero Carrasquillo, Andrew Pfeuffer, Joe Milburn, Nicholas Rescher, Sr. Elinor Gardner, O.P., and Barbara Freres.
Volume 1, No.1 Fall 2010
Special Editor: John White
With papers from Jean-Luc Marion, Bret Saunders, Daniel J. Dwyer, Andrew Staron, Derek J. Morrow, Bryne Lewis Allport, Andrew Komanski, Carlos Bovell, Glenn Chicoine, Tanya Loughead, Molly Sturdevant, Nathan W. Halloran, Philip J. Harold, and Stephen E. Lewis.
Special Editor: John Henry Crosby
With papers from His Eminence John Zizioulas, Ann-Therese Gardner, Brian Sudlow, David Utsler, Francis Feingold, Philip Blosser, Josef Seifert, Robert E. Wood, Fritz Wenisch, Stephen D. Schwarz, Paola Premoli De Marchi, Stephen Phelan, Mary M. Keys, and Mathew Lu.
Special Editors: Sarah Wear and Jonathan Sanford
With papers from John Dillon, Wayne Hankey, Stephen Gersh, Matthew D. Walz, Timothy D. Knepper, John Peter Kenney, Mark K. Spencer, Michelle Blohm, Gregory B. Sadler, Tim Riggs, Eric Perl, David Bradshaw, Christopher Morrissey, Richard Smith, Sarah Wear, Richard Hall, Nicholas Rescher.
Special Guest Editor: Sarah Borden-Sharkey
With papers from William Tullius, Karl Schudt, Glenn Chicoine, Sarah Borden Sharkey, Kimberly Baltzer-Jaray, David M. Cudnik, Christopher T. Haley, John Finley, and Timothy Martell.
Volume 3, No.1 Fall 2012
Special Editor: Kimberly Baltzer-Jaray
With papers from Alice von Hildebrand, Dallas Willard, Michael F. Andrews, Uldis Vegners, Christoper S. Morrissey, Carlos R. Bovell, Fritz Wenisch, Eric Mohr, John F. Crosby, Zach Davis, Michael Wenisch, Timothy Martell, Trevor J. Bieber, Holly Mohr, Antonio Calcagno, Jason Bell, Joel M. Potter, Ewa Agnieszka Pichola, Richard Sherlock, and John R. White.
Volume 5, No.2 Spring 2014
Special Guest Editor: Patrick Lee
With papers from Germain Grisez, E. Christian Brugger, William E. May, Maureen L. Condic, Gerard V. Bradley, Joseph Boyle, and Christopher Tollefsen.
Volume 4, No. 2 Spring 2014
Special Editors: Sarah Klitenic Wear & Joseph Almeida
With papers from Lloyd P. Gerson, Michael Griffen, Charlene Elsby, Sarah Klitenic Wear, Joseph Almeida, Gary Gabor, Lloyd A. Newton, Gregory T. Doolan, Mark Roberts, Mark Gossiaux, and Andrew LaZella.