Restoring a Nation

The 2022 Veritas Center Conference at Franciscan University brings together leading scholars, elected officials, journalists, and students who recognize that America’s liberal consensus has enriched and empowered a narrow elite – but failed the nation and its people.

Religious Freedom Conference Promo

Truth, Conscience, and Religious Freedom | 2014 Conference

The HHS mandate for contraceptive, sterilization, and abortifacient coverage in health insurance plans, health-care institutions requiring medical personnel to participate in morally objectionable procedures, legal liability for businesses refusing on religious grounds to provide services for same-sex “weddings,” students forbidden to engage in religious expression in public schools, zoning laws used to stop Bible studies in private homes—these and many more issues have surfaced in recent years concerning religious freedom in the United States.

people listening to talk in the gentile gallery

The Transgender Moment | 2019 Conference

Four years after the Supreme Court made gay marriage the law of the land in Obergefell v. Hodges, transgenderism and gender identity have become the new flashpoints in America’s longstanding culture war. From laws threatening to punish individuals for not using individuals’ “preferred pronouns” to young children being encouraged to “transition” to the opposite gender before puberty, the transgender claims are fundamentally remaking every aspect of contemporary American politics, medicine, and culture.