Franciscan Institute for World Health

OverviewAimsNeglected Diseases InitiativeSummer Internship Overview FIWH and FISH, institutes of FUS, a not-for-profit organization, seeks to provide excellent, hands-on, and multi-disciplinary educational training for the next generation of scientists. FIWH provides and coordinates global health-focused educational trainings and experiences for committed and dedicated undergraduates with a secondary goal of fostering lifelong compassion and career connection…

The Leadership Institute Student Fellows Program

The NeedThe MissionThe ProgramEventsApplication and Admission The Need America needs leaders. Desperately. It needs leaders who understand the dignity of the human person, the sanctity of life, and role of faith in shaping the social order. It also needs leaders who understand both natural law and divine law, who have been schooled in the virtues,…

hillside under tree view of JC Williams Center

Center for Bioethics

About the Center The struggle between an emerging culture of death and the culture of life has intensified in the last few decades. Bio-medical technological breakthroughs have made possible what was previously only theoretical, forcing us to confront in more depth questions about human life and dignity. What is a “person”? When does life begin?…

Dr. Rohde

Institutes and Centers

Academic Excellence Applied Because truth from any source is from the Holy Spirit Franciscan University of Steubenville institutes and centers take education and the pursuit of truth beyond the classroom, beyond our campus, and beyond our faculty and student body, providing: exceptional opportunities for our students to gain real-world experience and have a real impact…

Franciscan Institute for Science and Health

Unite Faith and Reason Apply Your Knowledge in Real-World Research Experiences The Franciscan Institute for Science and Health (FISH) is an initiative of Franciscan University of Steubenville with the overarching goal of maximizing student learning by providing bonafide research experiences, mentored by faculty of the School of Natural and Applied Sciences, that unite faith and…

close up on the Eucharist and Chalice

Priestly Discernment Program

Program OverviewProgram HighlightsCareers/OutcomesAvanti Con Maria Priestly Discernment Program Overview The Priestly Discernment Program at Franciscan University of Steubenville is based on five dimensions of formation designed to give each student-member a firm foundation that prepares him to grow in holiness and maturity while discerning a potential religious or priestly vocation. The four dimensions of Intellectual,…

Veritas Center for Ethics in Public Life

“Truth enlightens man’s intelligence and shapes his freedom.”
—Blessed John Paul II, Veritatis Splendor

The Veritas Center for Ethics and Public Life exists to bring faithful Catholic scholarly reflection to bear on the most pressing ethical questions in contemporary culture—questions of marriage and sexuality, war and peace, life and death, as well as economic and social justice.

Through research, writing, and academic conferences, the Veritas Center seeks to combat what Pope Benedict XVI described as “the dictatorship of relativism,” promoting the natural moral law, illuminated by the light of faith, in order to defend both human freedom and dignity in the public square.
Veritas Conference 2015
Challenging the Secular Culture: A Call to Christians Conference

April 10-11, 2015
Co-Sponsored by the Veritas Center for Ethics in Public Life and Franciscan University of Steubenville. 
View the Conference Page

The Veritas Center for Ethics and Public Life takes both its name and inspiration from Blessed John Paul II’s encyclical Veritatis Splendor (“The Splendor of Truth”). We believe, with the Catholic Church, that human freedom cannot flourish apart from truth, and that a restoration of truth as the foundation of human affairs is essential to a healthy culture.

Rooted in the teachings of the Church’s Magisterium and guided by the riches of Catholic social teaching, the Veritas Center strives to provide meaningful alternatives to the usual secular analyses of moral and cultural dilemmas.

It also strives to integrate both the methods and wisdom of multiple academic disciplines—from theology and sociology to political science and economics—to more effectively explore, understand, and address social concerns that affect the flourishing of the Church and her people.

The Veritas Center uses a four-pronged approach to carrying out its mission.

First , it seeks to clarify and disseminate Catholic moral and social teaching by facilitating research, academic writing, and inter-disciplinary partnerships among Franciscan University faculty.

To meet this goal, the Veritas Center has created a Faculty Associates Program to enable current Franciscan faculty from the social sciences, the humanities, business, and other areas to become involved in a collaborative way with the center’s work.

The center will also launch a Visiting Fellows Program to permit leading Catholic scholars to spend time in residence at Franciscan University, where they can work on scholarly projects in keeping with the center’s goal of the pursuit of truth. Visiting scholars will also participate in the center’s activities and will contribute to student learning by interacting with students through informal gatherings and student attendance at scholarly presentations by visiting scholars.

Second , the Veritas Center attempts to engage those outside of the academic community in discussions about the pursuit of truth by encouraging and assisting Franciscan faculty members to publish articles on important social issues in newspapers and periodicals that are accessible to the general public. .

Third , the center invites other scholars and teachers into the conversation about truth through its annual academic conference.

The first conference, Truth, Conscience, and Religious Freedom, co-sponsored with the Society of Catholic Social Scientists, will take place on the campus of Franciscan University of Steubenville, April 4-5, 2014 .

Fourth , the Veritas Center seeks to mentor a rising generation of Catholics, equipping them for effective engagement in the public square.

Accordingly, all Franciscan students are invited to participate in many of the activities of the Veritas Center including attending the public lectures and conferences sponsored by the center. Moreover, future plans for the center include an Undergraduate Fellows Forum, which will provide a unique opportunity for a select group of Franciscan undergraduates to pursue, outside of the classroom, academic interests related to ethics in public life.