Kris Burner
Major: Biology
Research Advisor: Dr. Kuebler
Project: Studying the effects of diet and pharmaceuticals on seizure-like activity in tko and eas mutant fruit flies
After a summer internship at the Pittsburgh Institute of Neurodegenerative Diseases (PIND) at the University of Pittsburgh in 2012, I wanted to continue studying the effects of diet and pharmaceutical treatments for epilepsy. I’ve experienced first-hand the devastating effects epilepsy can have on a person’s life. My daughter began having seizures when she was 2 ½ weeks old and has since been diagnosed with intractable epilepsy, coupled with an underlying mitochondrial encephalomyopathy. I was thrilled to continue my research at Franciscan, where I found their facilities and equipment comparable to that found at a larger university. For over 2 years, I worked with Dr. Kuebler in forming original hypotheses that were subsequently tested in the lab – often with encouraging and significant results. I was able to present some of my research in San Diego in 2014 at the Genetics Society of America’s Annual Drosophila Research Conference. I’ve come to better appreciate that clinical treatments patients ultimately receive begin FIRST in lab research. I plan to take both the GRE and MCAT and pursue a career as a PA or a MD, however the Lord may lead.